What I do, not just what I say or know

October 9, 2011

Life has gotten pretty busy for me as of late hence the lack of blog posts. Work is consuming much of my life and I find myself with very little free time these days, especially for blogging. This is unfortunate because I learn so much when I blog about what the Lord is teaching me in my life. It causes me to take a moment out of my day to contemplate Scripture, evaluate my life, and respond. In no way do I fully grasp or perfectly carry out that which I write about. I do not "have it together," I need to read these Scriptures and reflections more than anyone else. I blog to share sure, but mostly I blog to myself.

Another area of life that goes by the wayside when life gets busy is my quiet time alone with the Lord in His Word and in prayer. There are so many important things grabbing for my attention and I tell myself I will "just do it later." Most often though, "later" never comes, or when it does, I find myself just scanning the passages with my eyes while my mind is wandering elsewhere. It becomes something to check off my to-do list instead of a true encounter with a friend filled with deep conversation.When my quiet time with the Lord slips out of my daily routine I find myself drastically altered. I revert to my natural tendencies of impatience, worry, fear, complaining, pessimistic viewpoints, anger . . . sin. I feel tired, frazzled, empty, unsatisfied, and unsettled. I do this over and over again when life gets busy. I say that being in the Word is important and I know the benefits which come from time with the Lord. I say that it is a priority and I know my life should center around my relationship with the Lord not the other way around. I say and I know, yet I do not do. So, what does that mean?

James 3 says, "what good is it my brothers if someone says he has faith, but does not have works. Can that faith save him?" What I truly believe is reflected in my actions. Jesus said, "For from within, out of men's hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice . . . " (Mark 7:21). Out of the heart come actions. Jesus also says in Matthew 16:27 that when He comes again, "he will reward each person according to what he has done." My actions, not what I say or what I know, will be rewarded because they  reveal what I actually believe in my heart. It is easy to state my belief in what is right or to know what is right and yet, NOT do it! However, I find it extremely difficult to do the right thing without truly believing it.

What do I really believe? Is it what I say or what I know or is it what I am doing? If its what I say or what I know, I need to change what I'm doing. If Jesus is the center of my life, if I love Him more than anything else, than my life (time, investments, finances, priorities) should reflect it.

"Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name." Psalm 85:11

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