A few weekends ago I had an opportunity I will probably never have again. I was able to attend the wedding of a millionaire, or billionaire, not sure which. The day celebrated the marriage of Henry Riady, son of James Riady one of the founders of SPH. Weddings are a very important celebration in Indonesia and as a teacher of SPH I was invited to attend. I estimated there to be over 4000 people in attendance of the ceremony alone, but I heard from another source there were upwards of 8000 people in attendance of the following luncheon. Crazy!!!
Usually, I love attending weddings, I mean, I just love love, can't get enough of it. However, I can't say I was particularly fond of this wedding, despite the grandeur decorations accompanied by pomp and circumstance. Why? It was stifled. Very little of the bride and groom's personality came out in the ceremony. It was all so formal. There were cameras, big screens, and giant lights. At least five photographers walked backwards down the aisle snapping furiously during the bridal processional and another six photographers staked out in the greenery on stage. Not to mention hundreds of other people, like myself, taking photos. There was no moment of privacy for the couple, not even during the communion, as the cameras swiveled on their long arms perfectly into position capturing every detail.
Sometimes I go to weddings and come away thinking if I were to get married I would be pleased with a similar ceremony. This was not the case. If I was rich or famous and this was to be my wedding, I would elope! Haha. No, really though, I would!! I guess I'm just not a fan of BIG things. I want to know the people who have come to celebrate my day. I want to walk unhindered down the aisle at a normal pace rather having five cameras in my face and photographers tripping as they walk backwards. I want the love I have for Christ and the man I will marry to be more grandeur and evident than all the decorations. I want my reception to be filled with conversations and hugs versus cavier and silver dishes.
Even though it wasn't my style, it was an experience I won't forget. Below are a few snapshots I took of the day. I wish I could have gotten more, but there were people . . . everywhere . . . I mean everywhere.
We arrived well before the ceremony so I took the opportunity to capture the decorations. |
Yes, this candle is crooked. |
Yes, the aisle and the center of the stage were not aligned. I though it was my position, ten pictures later I realized the aisle was off. |
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The coloring is off in this picture, my blog is doing something weird, but I really liked the aisle and wanted to show it! |
Live greenery? |
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So many flowers!! |
Cameras, everywhere! Supposedly the ceremony was both online and on tv? |
Big screen for viewing |
Groom |
Father and Bride |
Bride and Groom |
Dessert table |
Dessert table |
The chocolate truffles were so amazing! |
Typical Jakarta traffic jam with the food table, people going both directions from both ends of the table…yeah. |
Choir at the luncheon reception for entertainment of guests waiting in the receiving line. |